Saturday, May 17, 2008

Selah's Dance Recital

Selah has just completed a year of ballet and tap dance lessons. She took my breath away at the recital. As I watched my baby girl dancing on stage, I had a huge smile on my face, yet I was crying, and perhaps not even breathing, all at the same time. With the exception of watching pictures of her set to music on a video, etc., I think it was the first time I felt this way inside. I felt equal parts happiness and...I don't know...something that made me cry. More happiness too, maybe???
I was so proud of her, I thought she was absolutely gorgeous, I had a rush feeling of "oh my gosh, that's my baby and she's growing up," and I felt so happy because she was so happy to be up there dancing. She danced beautifully.
Funny thing, as she danced, she was singing along to the words of the songs. I don't think she realized she was doing it, but it was cute.
ps. these pictures were taken at the rehearsal. I videoed the actual recital.


Anonymous said...

She looks just beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

And glad your back in the blogosphere.

Margo said...

She looks so pretty. What a special time!

Unknown said...

She is growing up! She looks so pretty!

Christy R said...

Abby's hoping Selah will do dance again with her next year ;-) They look so cute! Our babies are growing up!