Monday, December 15, 2008

Snow/Ice Day... No School

Yea!!! Our first snow/ice day. We woke up, snuggled under a blanket on the couch and watched some TV, and the kids were ready to head outside. Of course, I let them go out!! 20 degree weather, but they just had to throw a few snowballs (more like ice balls). We were having hot chocolate by 10:00am this morning. They were having a blast! We had some friends over to play for the afternoon, and they all spent even more time outside. I was a bad mommy... I let them play on the trampoline, slipping on the snowy surface. (not jumping, just sliding around). The kids just laughed and laughed. Selah and Jackson had fun riding the scooters and electric toys on the icy driveway. Oh to be a kid again. I can't believe how tough they can be when they're having fun. They had little red faces and ears and cold fingers. By the end of the day all the gloves and hats were so wet, I'm surprised they even kept them on!
Needless to say, I think they each had at least 3 cups of hot chocolate by the time the sun went down.


MelissaC said...

Sounds like a fun snow day!

6 Happy Hearts said...

You weren't bad you were a blessing : )
Thanks for letting my babies play at your house. All they are talking about now is hot chocolate, waffles, candy canes & playing at the Aaabberlee's ; )