Sunday we celebrated Charis' 3rd Birthday! She gets more excited about her birthday parties than anyone I've ever met. She eats, breathes, and sleeps "birthday" for several weeks before it gets here. It's so cute! It was a sandcastle theme this year. It was such a great day! It was a day spent with family and our best friends from Joplin, Travis, Jodie, Luke, and Lilly. Grandpa Gene and Grandma Lou Lou made her a wooden sand-table, filled with sand that is purple! Her favorite color! All the kids had a blast playing in the sand. Gene built the table and Lou Anne painted the lid just for her!
Papa Tom gave Charis her own bag of cinnamon bears (which she thought was so cool!), Jodie got her the "office" for her doll house, Lydia and James picked her out an adorable dress, and Kalea got her Snow White dress up. She dressed up like Snow White before bed, and wanted to sleep in it.
I made her a sand castle cake for her party. My kids watched very intently and excitedly the whole time. Ahhh, I love the birthdays. Only I wish they didn't have to roll around so quickly, I can't believe my baby is 3 years old! Makes me kind-a sad! But with so much joy coming out of that girl, the saddness doesn't stick for long.
Awesome party! You are so creative. And check out that cake! Parties with you are sooo fun. Thank you for a wonderful day!
This cake is totally AMAZING! You are so stinkin' creative!!!! Although, I'm sure it didn't "stink" at all!!!! I bet it tasted awesome too!!!
Thanks for taking the time to post all these pictures and thoughts so that those of us who can't be there can get a "taste" of what it would've been like to be there!
You're amazing and I'm proud to call you my Sister!
Love ya!
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