We figured it was about time for some new family photos. So, "Unkie J" did the honors for us. Hope you enjoy! Awwww, they grow and change so fast, don't they!
PS. I must say, I would make one HOT alien!
How many times have I seen or heard something precious from one of my kids, and I stop and tell myself to remember it forever? Like the time Selah said "Mommy, I love God more than I love you... know why? Because he made you my Mommy!" Or the one night I was tucking Bryson (barely 2 yrs. old) in bed... he grabbed me around the neck and said "Mommy, I want to keep you!" I hope to journal the fun memories I want to cherish forever, and allow family living away from us a peek into our lives.
Hand and foot print treasures that willAbout a year ago I started my own business, painting on ceramic plates and platters. Originally I had a few of my own platters with my children's hand prints painted by an artist out of Dallas. I loved them so much I started painting them for myself. All my friends started wanting them, and it turned into a fun little business for me. I love to paint and create. Most of all I love the idea of capturing the little hand and foot prints, turning them into a piece of art to be displayed in the home. My personal favorites are the holiday designs. Enjoy!
tug at your heartstrings forever~
okay i'll be the first to say it, never I mean never are you allowed to get plastic surgery.
Selah is still my fav.
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