Okay... only a BFF can pull this off. And still gain points! Ya know? I mean... she walks in with a big cute birthday bag, and I'm thinking "Awww! I love Jodie-gifts! They're always so special and "made with love!" So I reach in, and pull out a CHEESE GRATER! Whuuuhh? Then we both started laughing hysterically! I've had the same broken cheese grater for at least a couple years now, and every time she comes to my house, we end up making something with a little (or a lotta) cheese, and she always teases me about my broken cheese grater. A couple weeks ago her and the kids came down for spring break, and we made quesadillas, and she said "I am SOOOO getting you a new cheese grater for your birthday!!!" So. I get to throw the old one away. Finally.
We had a fun night out together. We had dinner, did a little shopping, spent time browsing magazines at the bookstore, and then came back and relaxed on the couch. She stayed until 1:30am, then we talked on the phone during her drive back to Joplin (so she could stay awake). I painted a platter while she was driving home ~ so I could stay awake too. It's now 9:25am the next day, and I bet she's still sleeping! Lucky. Hee! Hee! I'm totally fine! We've done this... oh... at least a hundred times or more. I'm glad she gets to sleep in! And I love my cheese grater! And that she made a trip to Oklahoma last night and treated me to dinner for my 35th!
It was a FUN evening!